Join the Launch Team
There is a place for YOU on the HillCity Church Launch Team!
- Are you interested in making an eternal impact on others with your life?
Do you love the challenge of building something amazing from scratch?
- Do new adventures call to you?
- Would you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself or any one person?
The HillCity Church Launch Team is made up of people like you who have said ‘yes’ to at least one of these questions.
The story of HillCity Church Bullsbrook is just beginning and you can be part of the story right away. HillCity Church Bullsbrook will be launching weekly early in 2020. Before that happens, we are gathering passionate people to join the team and help make the church happen. Remember, the Architect and Builder of HillCity Church is God. The Launch team members are privileged to be a part of what God has purposed to make happen.
We believe that everyone has something great to offer, and we would love for you to join us! You don’t need any previous experience or training about starting a church. All you need is the desire to be involved and the willingness to commit to being part of the team. It’s so sure that you will quickly find your place in the team where you can help.
At our Launch Team meetings, we will pray, plan and discuss ideas about the church plant. You’ll laugh, have fun and connect with new friends on this incredible journey while at the same time helping us to make progress. By helping us to succeed, you will have a hand in reaching many people in this community with the life-giving message of Jesus!
“But I have issue!” - We ALL have issues!
“But I don’t know what I am good at!” - This is a safe place to discover your gifts and talents.
“But I have a bad past!” - Don’t we all? That is what is AWESOME about the gospel!
“I am busy!” - We understand that, and that is why our team meetings will not exceed
1 hour.
“But I don’t even know your pastor - Joe” - Come meet our pastor. He is an approachable gentleman and will be happy to answer any questions that you have and address your concerns.
“I have never been part of a church before!” - HillCity Church is a perfect place to start!
“But I don’t want to leave my Church!” - You don’t have to. Joining the Launch Team does not mean leaving your Church.
We are passionate about empowering believers. We find merit in people’s individual stories, purposes and gifting while offering opportunities to them to reach their fullness in Christ.
Our goal is to build a team of 15 - 20 people who will get behind the vision and get this church launched; we already have some people in the team.
The Launch Team ends with an outward focus; that is, the centre of all activities of the team is how to bring in unchurched and de-churched people. After our Launch Sunday meeting, we will release you from your commitment (if you so wish) so that you may pursue another avenue of service for God’s kingdom. While it is our hope that you will remain a part of what God is doing here at HillCity, we’re not so selfish as to keep you to ourselves if God has got some other assignment for you elsewhere.
Please complete the Launch Team Form to join the Launch team.
If you desire to have more information about being on the Launch team, please email us. We’ll be happy to provide further information or answer your questions.
You may also wish to review our Launch Plan to further understand the reason for the launch team.